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"I wish more people realised how accessible yoga can be. It’s not about the pose, the lycra, the lifestyle… it’s about taking the lessons you learn on the mat and using them in whichever way meets your needs. There’s no one right way to practise.”


A little about me.


For me yoga is more than a physical practise, it’s a way of life. It has given me a sense of patience, perspective and balance that has changed my outlook for the better. This is the yoga I’m passionate about sharing.


I’ve been practising yoga for over 20 years; what started as a teenaged quest for a toned yoga body became an essential tool in my search for space and calm amongst the pressures of work and family. This shift in focus is where my journey really started.

I’ve had the privilege of being taught and trained by some of the most globally recognised teachers and, while dynamic practises have my heart, I increasingly recognise the value of a more restorative focus to balance out the nervous system and the effects of daily life.

To date, I have over 800 hours of teaching qualifications and more than 5 years of experience in guiding classes for groups, individuals and businesses.


The beauty of yoga is that it allows us to discover who we are rather than who we feel we should be.


With the frantic pace our lives it’s easy to lose track of who we are but yoga offers us a chance to check-in, reconnect and ensure we’re moving in the right direction.

In class alone you learn so much about yourself: Can you sit with your thoughts? Why do you push beyond your limits or give up on yourself so quickly? How easily can you connect to how your body feels?

Your practice is like a laboratory where you can experiment with your reactions and responses until you find what works for you.
